Lawn Care Expert
Mon-Sunday: 07:00AM to 7:00PM

Salting is optional and based on customer preference. We have salt spreaders on each truck during the winter season. Spreading salt promotes safety! Wet snow and ice can create dangerous conditions causing slips and falls. Let us help make your environment more safe. We use calcium chloride salt, also known as “safe salt”. This type of salt does not damage pavement.


*Parking Lot Salt Spreading Table:   Draw Graph line for below

Pavement Temp. Range                 Pounds of Salt per 1,000 SQ FT

Greater than 30 F                              3 (LB)

25-30 F                                              5

20-25 F                                              6

15-20 FT                                            7

5-15 F                                                8

Less than 5 F                                     Ineffective


*Parking Lot Salt Estimator:

SQ FT of Lot divided by 1,000 and X by application rate( LBS per SQFT) = Estimated Application Amount Needed